March 8, 2012

Video (Update and Notes): The Ambassador Program at Bassnectar NYE Nashville 2012

It is amazing to me that we're already 8 days into March, how the time flies. It's also crazy that I haven't made a post on here since January (2 months)!! Embarrassing as it may be, it is in no reason due to lack of working projects; quite the contrary in fact...these first 2 months of 2012 have brought with them some amazing opportunities and experiences...from the aforementioned Bassnectar NYE video coverage to my Mexico journey and wedding shoot for two of my great friends, to shooting amazing shows pretty much on a weekly basis with my cohorts over at Break On a Cloud here in Nashville...2012 is shaping up to be an exciting and extremely busy year! Unfortunately, I've been a bit overwhelmed with all the work I have piling up lately, so haven't really had any chance to post on here, but I am sorting my way through everything and will be recapping all the activities here in the coming weeks. You probably already know what's up though if you follow me on facebook!

First order of business:

Here is "The Ambassador Program at Bassnectar NYE Nashville 2012" documentary that we (the Break On A Cloud team) put together to highlight the Ambassador activities at Bassnectar's NYE 2012 performance at the Bridgestone Arena here in Nashville. It was the biggest party in town and one of the most amazing experiences of my life! Here is the skinny from Rob over at
"A documentary of Bassnectar's innovative Ambassador event volunteer program, featuring live action and interviews from Bassnectar's 2012 Nashville New Years Eve event. For information on the program, email bassteam(at)bassnectar(dot)net. For more information on Bassnectar, visit
Video shot by Matt Miller of BreakonaCloud, Brendan Donohue of Pureform Media and Sergio Orozco of Xcklusive Access. Edited by Matt Miller, Lia Holland (of Bassnectar) and Brendan Donohue."
Click the video title to view in Full HD on Vimeo 

Check out some amazing images of the night too from (SIC) Images and Kelly Hite Photo .

We will also have a full recap video of night posted soon over at

also, if you hadn't already seen the Bassnectar Louisville Recap we put together back in September, check it out here:



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