May 16, 2013

Remembering the May 2010 Nashville Flood (Photos)

As many of you know, the first week of May marked the 3 year anniversary of the 2010 Nashville Flood that raged through our fine city and caused extensive damage to downtown as well as many outlying areas.

I had posted some photos from the aftermath of the storm in the downtown area on my facebook page last week, but wanted to throw them up on the site as well.

3 years later, these images are still a surreal testament to the severity of this disaster, but also an inspirational reminder of a city that came together to fight through the destruction.

I tried to avoid taking photos of people's personal destruction throughout the neighborhoods that were badly damaged and instead put the camera down to help with the cleanup effort. There are plenty of powerful images around the web though from the cleanup effort that can give you an idea of how bad the individual damages really were.

Photos by Brendan Donohue
Taken 05.04.2010

Thanks for looking!