January 19, 2010

New Edit: RinTraH - "Kallisti" | Live at the Muse 11.13.09

Hey y'alls,

Been slackin on the blog for a while again..ya know, holidaze and all that jazz. It's a brand new year and I'm gonna be dedicating plenty of life to keepin the dream alive haha..by this I mean gaining new clients, networking like a mofo, upgrading the gear, undergoing some more advanced training..all in all making this media thing a full time livelihood. I've been convinced for years now that being a lifer at a desk job is definitely not what I was put on earth to do, and although it has been paying the bills, it is depressing and there is so much more out there for me to pursue. I've been taking baby steps in the right direction, but it's really time to immerse my self totally.

Anyways, enough with the bullshit...for my first 2010 Blog, I wanted to share some skull-crushing goodness from my good buddies in Rintrah from Murfreesboro!! The video below is a little sneak peek of a show we filmed at the Muse back in November...the footage is cool and it sounds great, hopefully they can use it as a supplement DVD for their upcoming E.P. more info to come! Here it is:

RinTraH - "Kallisti" | Live at the Muse 11.13.09 from pureform media on Vimeo.


Cameras: Brendan Donohue and Don DeLong
Editing: Brendan Donohue
Audio: recorded by Don DeLong and Topher Herlevic; mixed by Brendan Donohue